Starmont Schools will have a student make up day on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. School will now be in session that day.


We've compiled all information you'll need for registration. Please review the information and forms and let us know if you have any questions.

Registration will take place online again this year starting August 7th. Please understand if you do not complete registration, we will not know to issue your student a chromebook. Chromebooks will only be issued upon completion of all registration forms.

Registration will also be available in person with assistance for the online portion on August 7 from 12-7pm in the HS Cafe.  Payment will also be taken at that time.

Transportation, Nurse, Admin and Secretaries will be available during that time.  Starmont Booster Club and Starmont Music Association will also have tables so be sure to stop by and visit them as well!


To register NEW and PRESCHOOL students:

Please go to the following website or click on the link.

** Please only click on this link if you are enrolling a new student or preschooler**


To register CURRENT students:


There will be an option for payment with a debit or credit card during the online registration; however, you can still mail a check to the school at 3202 40th St, Arlington, IA, 50606. Please remember that we need to collect the fees upfront before your child will be considered enrolled. If you are not able to pay the full amount upfront and need help setting up a payment plan, please contact the Business Manager, Katie Taylor, at 563-933-4598.

Registration Materials

©2025 Starmont Community School District