I Can Statement - 3rd Grade
3rd Grade Math
I Can Use Multiplication and Division to Help Me Understand Math
- I can understand multiplication by thinking about groups of objects. 3.OA.1
- I can understand division by thinking about how one group can be divided into smaller groups. 3.OA.2
- I can use what I know about multiplication and division to solve word problems. 2.OA.3
- I can find the missing number in a multiplication or division equation. 3.OA.4
- I can use the Commutative property of multiplication. (I know that if 6x4=24, then 4x6=24.) 3.OA.5
- I can use the Associative property of multiplication. (To figure out 3x5x2 I can multiply 3x5=15, then 15x2=30 OR multiply 5x2=10, then 3x10=30.) 3.OA.5
- I can use the Distributive property of multiplication. (To figure out 8x7, I can think of 8x (5+2) which means (8x5)+(8x2)=40+16=56.) 3.OA.5
- I can find the answer to a division problem by thinking of the missing factor in a multiplication problem. ( I can figure out 32÷8 because I know that 8x4=32.) 3.OA.6
- I can multiply and divide within 100 easily and quickly because I know how multiplication and division are related. 3.OA.7
- I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve all kinds of word problems and then use mental math to decide if my answers are reasonable. 3.OA.8
- I can find patterns in addition and multiplication tables and explain them using what I know about how numbers work. 3.OA.9
I Can Use Number Sense and Place Value to Help Me Understand Math
- I can round numbers to the nearest ten or 100. 3.NBT.1
- I can add and subtract numbers within 1000. 3.NBT.2
- I can quickly and easily multiply any one-digit whole number by 10. 3.NBT.3
I Can Use Fractions to Help Me Understand Math
- I can show and understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole. 3.NF.1
- I can label fractions on a number line because I know the space between any two numbers can be thought of as a whole. 3.NF.2
- I can explain words or pictures how two fractions can sometimes be equal. 3.NF.3
- I can compare fractions by reasoning about their size. 3.NF.3
- I can show whole numbers as fractions. (3=3/1) 3.NF.3
I Can Use Measurement and Data to Help Me Understand Math
- I can tell and write time to the nearest minute. 3.MD.1
- I can measure time in minutes. 3.MD.1
- I can solve telling time word problems by adding and subtracting minutes. 3.MD.1
- I can measure liquids and solids with liters, grams and kilograms. 3.MD.2
- I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve word problems involving mass and volume. 3.MD.2
- I can create a picture or bar graph to show data and solve problems using the information form the graphs. 3.MD.3
- I can create a line plot from measurement data, where the measured objects have been measured to the nearest whole number, half or quarter. 3.MD.4
- I can understand that the area of plane shapes can be measured in square units. 3.MD.5
- I can measure areas by counting unit squares. 3.MD.6
- I can measure area by using what I know about multiplication and addition. 3.MD.7
- I can solve real world math problems using what I know about the perimeter of shapes. 3.MD.8
I Can Use Geometry to Help Me Understand Math
- I can place shapes into categories depending upon their attributes. 3.G.1
- I can recognize and draw quadrilaterals such as rhombuses, rectangles and squares, as well as other examples of quadrilaterals. 3.G.1
- I can divide shapes into parts with equal areas and show those areas as fractions. 3.G.2
3rd Grade Reading
I Can Read and Understand Third Grade Fiction RL.3.10
- I can ask and answer questions to show that I understand the stories that I am reading. RL.3.1
- I can find the answers to specific questions within the stories that I read. RL.3.1
- I can retell stories from diverse cultures. RL.3.2
- I can figure out the lessons or morals of the stories that I have read. RL.3.2
- I can describe characters in stories and explain how their actions affect the story. RL.3.3
I can use comprehension strategies: making connections, determining importance, questioning, visualizing, making inferences, summarizing and self-monitoring. IA.3.3
- I can figure out what an author really means by the words and phrases that are written. RL.3.4
- I can understand the difference between literal and nonliteral language. RL.3.4
- I can write and talk about fiction by using the words for the different parts (e.g., chapter, scene, stanza). RL.3.5
- I can describe how new parts of fiction build on previous parts. RL.3.510
- I can tell the difference between what I think and what the author or characters might think. RL.3.6
I Can Use What I Know to Understand Fiction
- I can explain how the author uses illustrations to help the meaning of the story. RL.3.7
- I can compare and contrast stories written by the same author about similar characters. RL.3.9
I Can Read and Understand Third Grade Nonfiction RI.3.10
- I can ask and answer questions to show that I understand the information that I am reading. RI.3.1
- I can find the main idea of the information I read. RI.3.2
- I can show how the main idea is supported by details in the text. RI.3.2
- I can describe the historical events, scientific ideas, or steps in procedures using words to show the sequence. RI.3.3.
- I can describe cause-and-effect in historical events, scientific ideas, or steps in procedures. RI.3.3
I can use comprehension strategies: making connections, determining importance, questioning, visualizing, making inferences, summarizing and self-monitoring. IA.3.3
- I can understand the meanings of words and phrases in science and social studies texts. RI.3.4
- I can use text features and search tools to find information quickly. RI.3.5
- I can tell the difference between what I think and what an author writes. RI.3.6
- I can show what I have learned from nonfiction illustrations and text by answering questions about where, when, why and how. RI.3.47
- I can describe how the sentences and paragraphs in nonfiction follow a logical sequence. RI.3.8
- I can compare and contrast the most important ideas and details in two pieces of information about the same topic. RI.3.9
I Can Analyze Words and Use Phonics to Help Me Read Third Grade Words RF.3.3
- I can read and understand words with common prefixes and suffixes. RF.3.3
- I can read words with more than one syllable. RF.3.3
- I can read third grade words that are not spelled in a regular way. RF.3.3
I Can Read Fluently, Accurately and With Expression. RF.3.4
3rd Grade Writing
I Can Write Different Types of Writing
- I can write to share my opinion. W.3.1
- I can write to inform and explain ideas. W.3.2
- I can write to tell a story. W.3.3
I Can Make My Writing Better
- I can stay focused and organized in my writing. W.3.4
- I can write for different purposes, audiences and topics. W.3.4
- I can plan, edit and revise my writing with the help of peers and adults. W.3.5
- I can use technology to create pieces of writing and to interact and share ideas with others. W.3.6
I Can Use Research to Help My Writing
- I can organize short research projects. W.3.7
- I can research and use what I have experienced to gather information. W.3.8
- I can take notes to help me organize the research in my writing. W.3.8
- I can write on a regular basis with stamina for different tasks, purposes, and audiences. W.3.10
3rd Grade Language
I Can Use What I Know About Grammar When I Write and Speak
- I can explain how nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs work in different sentences. L.3.1
- I can correctly say, write and use all types of plural nouns. L.3.1
- I can use abstract nouns. (e.g., childhood) L.3.1
- I can correctly say, write and use regular and irregular verbs. L.3.1
- I can correctly say, write and use different verb tenses. L.3.1
- I can make sure that all of my subjects, verbs and pronouns are in agreement in the sentences I say and write. L.3.1
- I can use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs correctly in my speech and writing. L.3.1
- I can use conjunctions in the correct way in my speech and writing. L.3.1
- I can say and write simple, compound and complex sentences. L.3.1
- I can capitalize beginning words and proper nouns, as well as those in titles. L.3.2
- I can use commas appropriately in addresses and dialogue. L.3.2
- I can us apostrophes appropriately to show possession. L.3.2
- I can correctly spell commonly used word, words with suffixes and words with spelling patterns. L.3.2
- I can use a dictionary to check and correct my spelling. L.3.2
I Can Use What I Know About Language in Different Situations
- I can choose interesting words and phrases to help others understand my meaning better. L.3.3
- I can recognize differences between my speaking language and my written language. L.3.3
I Can Figure Out What Words Mean and Use Them in Different Situations
- I can use clues in sentences to help me understand new words. L.3.4
- I can figure out meanings of words when prefixes and suffixes I understand are added to words I already know. L.3.4
- I can use root words that I know as a clue to help me learn the meanings of new words with the same root. L.3.4
- I can use print and computer dictionaries to help me find the meanings of new words. L.3.4
- I can understand figurative language. L.3.5
- I can find real life connections between words and their use. (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful). L.3.5
- I can figure out the small differences in meaning with related words that tell about how people feel or how they are acting (e.g., knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered). L.3.5
- I can figure out and use words that are appropriate for third grade. L.3.6
3rd Grade Speaking and Listening
I Can Understand and Talk About What I Hear
- I can effectively participate in discussions. SL.3.1
- I can come to discussions prepared to share my ideas. SL.3.1
- I can follow appropriate rules for discussions, such as taking my turn. SL.3.1
- I can ask questions to help me understand discussions and stay on topic. SL.3.1
- I can explain my own thinking and ideas after a discussion. SL.3.1
- I can figure out the main idea and detail of what I see and hear. SL.3.2
- I can ask and answer questions about information I hear from another speaker. SL.3.2
I Can Share What I Know
- I can report on a topic or tell a story with correct and appropriate facts. SL.3.4
- I can speak clearly and at a good pace. SL.3.4
- I can create engaging audio recordings to show fluency in my reading. SL.3.5
- I can create visual displays to help others understand what I am sharing. SL.3.5
- I can speak in complete sentences to make what I am sharing more clear to others. SL.3.6
I can perform readings and presentations. IA.3.6